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  • Lucas
  • 卢卡斯
  • Λούκας
  • Lukáš
  • ルーカス
  • Lucas

is a developer working on cool things.


Software Rendering and Android

My current project at Igalia has had me working on Mesa’s software renderers, llvmpipe and been ...

A Dive into Vulkanised 2024

Vulkanised sign at google’s officeVulkanised sign at google’s officeLast week I had an exciting ...

Converting from 3D to 2D

Recently I’ve been working on a project where I needed to convert an application written in to a ...

Igalia’s Mesa 23.1 Contributions - Behind the Scenes

It’s an exciting time for Mesa as its next major release is unveiled this week. Igalia has played ...

Journey Through Freedreno

Android running FreedrenoAndroid running FreedrenoAs part of my training at Igalia I’ve been to ...

Rasterizing Triangles

Lately I’ve been trying to implement a software renderer following the algorithm described by ...

Global Game Jam 2023 - GI Jam

At the beginning of this month I participated in the Games Institutes’s Global Game Jam event. ...

2022 Graphics Team Contributions at Igalia

This year I started a new job working with Igalia’s Graphics Team. For those of you who don’t ...

N64Brew GameJam 2021

So this year, myself and two others decided to participate together in the N64Brew homebrew where ...

Digital Garden

After reading Maggie Appleton page on digital gardens I was inspired to convert my own website into a digital garden.I have many half baked ideas that I seem to be able to finish. Some of them get to a published state like and , but many of them never make it to the published state. The idea of digital garden seems very appealing to me, as it encourages you to post on a topic even if you haven’t made it publishable yet.How this site works - I wanted a bit of challenge when putting together ...

Baremetal RISC-V

After re-watching suckerpinch’s Reverse Emulation video I got inspired to try and replicate what ...

Generating Video

One thing I’m very interested in is computer graphics. This could be complex 3D graphics or simple 2D graphics. The idea of getting a computer to display visual data fascinates me. One fundamental part of showing visual data is interfacing with a computer monitor. This can be accomplished by generating a video signal that the monitor understands. Below I have written instructions on how an FPGA can be used to generate a video signal. I have specifically worked with the iCEBreaker FPGA but the...